Saturday, January 21, 2012


Hi Cyclists:

Melissa & I are hoping to ride tomorrow, Sunday, at 1 pm. The temp is to be about 43 degrees, the wind is to be SE at 18 MPH. There is a small percentage chance of rain, later in the afternoon. She would like to ride SW, out Lerna way, because it is mostly flat, somewhat wind protected and has various distances for choices. This will be Melissa's second outdoor ride on the new bike and she needs a safe, fairly easy route--until she gets more confident. But, those who want more aggressive or longer rides can branch off and take any route desired. We could meet at West Gate (intersection of West Gate and Douglas) at 1 pm and go from there, if there is an interest. Feel free to comment, if you wish to reserve your place in this peloton.

Friday, January 6, 2012


It appears that there is an agreement for a bike ride at noon on Saturday 1/7. The miles and direction are negotiable, but I like John's idea of trying some of the new North North-West roads. I like the idea of under 50 miles, only because I am not in shape for mileage a lot longer than that. However, group majority should rule. It worked out really well last week, relative to multiple route options, for each rider's needs. Meet at Monroe Gate (Sheila & Lisa's house). Temp looks like 45 degrees with NNW winds at 9 MPH.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Spinning @ Bicycle Garage East

Meet at BGE @ 6:00 p.m. for spinning on Tuesday (1/3) .  We will do a 60 minute Spinervals session in a heated garage.  You will need to bring your own trainer.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year's Day, Noon Ride!

It is too windy to safely ride out in the open since this wind could literally blow you off the road.  I have no goals for distance. A couple of times up Hayes hill and around town a bit will be a good start to the year.  Meet at Westgate if you are a little bit obsessed. -Keith