Thursday, September 13, 2012

Hell on Hills - EPIC!

Bike Ride tonite (Thursday, Sept. 13) leaving from Eastgate at 5:15 pm and doing the dualthon route (more or less) along with Denali and Stairway. It will be hilly and there will be blood...pumping. This group LOVES hills so the plan is to do Rosebud and then hook up with duathlon route at top of Drake hill. Depending on light, pain level, and Molly's whining for a Lemon Honey Stinger, we may try to get in Stone Bridge before heading towards the Kentucky route in reverse and the final assault.

Keep calm and carry on.


  1. Ok,I'll throw my hat in the ring but I'm not sure how long my tiny tender tendons will survive Thursday's tree-toppers. Bring a tow rope just in case!

  2. no problem...just hitch your wagon to the grasshopper express.....okay maybe better to say slow train...

  3. Jerry is way too angry to ride tonite. He had a temporary relapse of anger, but has consulted himself for quality help. He can't ride tonight. Seriously folks, MB's mother had an issue with her new pacemaker and had to go to the hospital again for a repeat of the procedure. She is doing better now and is home. But, MB's family is in town and she says no to Hell's Hills for Doc. I really would love to do all of those hills, one after the other, but I have an excuse. I can provide it in angry cursive if necessary. Have fun and be EXTRA safe.
