Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Bike Frickin' Ride!

Today - Tuesday (March 27). Ride leaving Eastgate at 5:15 pm and heading to hell and back. Jenny is still in Urbana-Champaign (probably being naughty) so come and ride with Forrest tonite. It will be a slower pace for me with Forrest.

Forrest and Jenny, peas and carrots...Forrest and Jenny, peas and carrots...Forrest and Jenny, peas and carrots...Forrest and Jenny, peas and carrots...


  1. Cant be there tonight. I finished the last patient a little early so we are going out on a short, pretty easy ride. Maybe we will encounter you out in the ethersphere, but if not, have a great ride. Doc

    1. What's up Doc? Bunny misses you.

  2. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I'm just now shutting down the computer and getting ready to leave -- maybe I'll run into you. I plan to ride the airport-17k road-redbud-polk route. (I deleted my earlier comment which said the same thing. I just thought it looked like I was replying to Doc's comment, and I didn't want to make this a love triangle.)
